
Glory in Our Midst: A Biblical-Theological Reading of Zechariah’s Night Visions is unavailable, but you can change that!

Find insight into Zechariah’s night visions with this reproduction of a series of articles that appeared in the journal Kerux, designed to serve those preaching on the visions. As indicated by the title of the volume, Meredith G. Kline argues that the glory of the heavenly presence of the triune God is the dominant reality in Zechariah’s visionary world. And central in the message of the night...

Would Satan’s charges prevail or would they be overcome by the considerations adduced in Joshua’s defense? But something beyond Joshua’s fate was at issue in this court. With subtle indirection Satan was affronting the majesty of the divine Judge, challenging him as to his divine claims and prerogatives. Satan’s tactics here are similar to those he resorted to in his opposition to God’s servant Job. As in Zechariah 3 the setting of the Book of Job is the heavenly council on a day when the court was
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